Paul says in chapter 20 that he's compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. In every city he visits, people tell him through the Spirit, that he's going to face persecution. People even tell him "The Spirit says don't go!" But Paul pushes on, going to Jerusalem anyway. So are the other disciples false prophets? Is Paul disobeying the Spirit by pressing on? Or is it that "prophecy" in the New Testament has a little definition than it did in the OT?
As Paul and Barnabas travel to Antioch, they are invited to speak at a synagogue. Paul launches into his first recorded sermon, and proclaims that God’s promises to Abraham and David are fulfilled in Jesus Christ! The blessing to Abraham in Genesis 12 pointed to Jesus, forgiving our sins and justifying us through his death & resurrection.
The focus now shifts from Peter and James to Barnabas and Saul, with Saul/Paul being the main character from here on out. The gospel continues to spread, made up of these key items – Worship, Obedient Faith, Community, Discipleship, and Readiness for Spiritual Warfare.
As the church spreads out due to persecution, Antioch becomes one of the primary hubs for this new faith. In fact, it’s here that Jesus followers are first called Christians. Barnabas encourages the burgeoning church in Antioch, who in turn encourages the believers in Judea with famine relief.
As the 120 disciples of Jesus are gathered in the Upper Room, they are together for morning prayer, praying for the Holy Spirit to come, and suddenly, without warning, the Spirit came in power!
After 3 years of ministry, at the end of the 80-100 miles journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, Jesus crests the Mount of Olives on his way into the city, the crowd breaks into song, and he breaks into tears.
The gospel is good news to real sinners. It's not the powerful, the perfect, the put-together who are shoo-ins to the kingdom of heaven. How do we know? Look at the birth of Jesus!