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Series: (2024) Acts

Paul and Barnabas head into Lystra, and when the locals watch a lame man get up and walk in the power of God, they try to make sacrifices to them, thinking they are gods. Paul preaches to them, but before long, hostility arises and Paul is stoned and left for dead.
As Paul finishes up his sermon, the audience responds in two ways – some want to hear more, and ask him to speak again next week. Others, however, start speaking contradictions and insults against him. Some believe, some reject. And yet Paul and Barnabas refuse to let persecution stop the message. Full of joy and the Holy Spirit, they keep pressing forward.
As Paul and Barnabas travel to Antioch, they are invited to speak at a synagogue. Paul launches into his first recorded sermon, and proclaims that God’s promises to Abraham and David are fulfilled in Jesus Christ! The blessing to Abraham in Genesis 12 pointed to Jesus, forgiving our sins and justifying us through his death & resurrection.
The focus now shifts from Peter and James to Barnabas and Saul, with Saul/Paul being the main character from here on out. The gospel continues to spread, made up of these key items – Worship, Obedient Faith, Community, Discipleship, and Readiness for Spiritual Warfare.
King Herod takes out James, and loses Peter thanks to the midnight escape. But political problems have him in a place he doesn't want to be, being lied to by people who just want things from him, but his pride has him so high on power that he forgets who he is.
The church seems to be growing exponentially, when all of a sudden King Herod attacks the church and kills one of the apostles. That seemed to please the Jews, so he arrested the Most Wanted of the Christians – Peter. They hit their knees in an overnight prayer service, and God answered in the most unusual (and humorous) way.
As the church spreads out due to persecution, Antioch becomes one of the primary hubs for this new faith. In fact, it’s here that Jesus followers are first called Christians. Barnabas encourages the burgeoning church in Antioch, who in turn encourages the believers in Judea with famine relief.
Peter begins to share the gospel with Cornelius, and before he is done speaking, the Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles, and the game has shifted for the rest of human history - Gentiles are included in the promises of God!
Peter is sitting down to eat lunch one day, when he falls into a trance and sees a heavenly vision about eating unclean animals. After the vision, some unclean men arrive at the door asking him to come with them. The Lord instructs Peter to go with them “with no doubts.” And he ends up in the home of a Romans centurion. The “bridge” that is the church of God is starting to come together in Christ!