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Topic: miracles

Paul now moves into Ephesus, a place of magic and cultish worship, and goes to work like he usually does, proclaiming to the Jews that the New Covenant is now in effect. Also as usual, when darkness is confronted with the Light, it causes a stir.
Paul and Barnabas head into Lystra, and when the locals watch a lame man get up and walk in the power of God, they try to make sacrifices to them, thinking they are gods. Paul preaches to them, but before long, hostility arises and Paul is stoned and left for dead.
Acts 5:12-42 – A memorable event had just happened in the life of the new Church in Jerusalem, with the news of Ananias and Sapphira's "untimely" death. So people weren't sure what all this new group of believers was all about. But the Lord kept bringing people to faith, and the apostles continued to do miracles, healings, casting out demons, and it led to jealousy from the Sanhedrin. Pastor Steve Hall turns our attention to our own hearts, and how jealousy can very easily take root in us.

On Trial

November 5, 2023
Peter, John and the healed man end up spending a night in jail and then being put on trial before the Sanhedrin. But it’s not only in the miraculous where the Holy Spirit is evident. Peter stands up to speak, and he is filled with the Holy Spirit to boldly confront these religious leaders with their sin. What will their response be?