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Series: (2023) Footholds of Faith

Is there a right way to be a parent? Is there a way of raising children that is in fact "God's way"? Or is it up to us to figure out the best way on our own? In this message, Pastor Steve Hall leads us through how Jesus' life, death and resurrection informs the way we think about parenting and grand-parenting.
If we never talk about retirement from a gospel centric perspective, we will end up going into the 4th quarter of our lives with the same mindset as the world – treating the things of this earth as if they are the ultimate treasure.
In Genesis 1 and 2, both male and female are created with worth, dignity, and value. Harmony existed between the two, with neither elevated above the other. They are separate, but equal; they have roles, but neither role is more important than the other. Both male and female are aimed at the same goal – fellowship with God and each other. So how did we get to where we are today?
According to a survey compiled by Pew Research Center just 3 months ago, only 50% of Americans say they are extremely or very satisfied with their jobs. And what I want to look at this morning, is how the good news of Jesus tells us to think about work, and how the good news of Jesus is the only motivation we need to get out of bed in the morning and hit the grindstone again – even if your job feels uninspiring.