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Topic: Resurrection

If your team doesn't make the championship game, you might still watch, albeit with a large helping of "I don't really care" on your plate of nachos. Jesus lays it out pretty strongly that when it comes to him, we don't have the luxury of that option.
Jesus follows up the Sermon on the Mount with two encounters with people that were very much different and yet very much alike. The end result? Jesus breaks social and religious boundaries in order to show mercy, and prove that he has the power to overcome death.


April 4, 2021
Risen!  1 Corinthians 15:1-20   THESIS: You are either in sin or in Christ.  MESSAGE:   Welcome to River City! My name is Rodney if we haven’t had the chance…

He Is Risen!

April 12, 2020
There are two kinds of people in the world, and they aren't rich/poor, Democrats/Republicans, slave/free, white/other. The two kinds of people are those who believe the cross and resurrection are nonsense, and those who believe the cross and resurrection are the power of God for salvation.