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Topic: Moses

Two different people can view the exact same information or data, and their imaginations take them in very opposite directions. Our imaginations are so often guided by either faith or fear. This Vision Sunday message encourages us to use a holy imagination, and instead of saying "we can't", to look at our future and say "God is with us."
Like a preview for a movie, Jesus allows three of his disciples a sneak peek into his future glory. The problem is that they are sound asleep. God speaks his audible words over Jesus, confirming him as the Messiah and reminds him that the plan of redemption is right on schedule.
How would you fill in the blank in this sentence: "If I had ___________, my life would really sing"? We might be tempted to say the Sunday school answer: Jesus! But if the gospel is true, and you have been born again, you already have him! And yet it's pretty rare to hear someone say their life is really singing. So what is it that could make the difference?