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Topic: Grace

How do I know I’m saved right now? And how can I be sure I can’t (or haven’t already) sin my way out of God’s grace? Or do I have to be a perfect Christian from now until I die in order to get to heaven?
"What is wrong with people?" That is a question all of us have to answer, because every day we see or hear news of war, violence, abuse, racism, hatred, and feel the effects of anger, envy, pride, lust, etc. The Bible doesn't run from this topic, it hits it head on.
What does it mean to say that God is “holy”? What do we mean when we talk about his holiness? Can grace and holiness exist side-by-side, or does one eliminate the other? This look into Isaiah 6 helps us answer some of those questions.
After talking to his critics about how the kingdom of God has come on earth, and telling them to keep their eyes open to the kingdom, Jesus gets invited to a dinner party where he insults and criticizes the Pharisees on the specific ways they’ve shut their eyes to the Truth.