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Service Type: Weekly Gathering

Like a preview for a movie, Jesus allows three of his disciples a sneak peek into his future glory. The problem is that they are sound asleep. God speaks his audible words over Jesus, confirming him as the Messiah and reminds him that the plan of redemption is right on schedule.
The greatest question you will ever answer in your lifetime is not “who are you?” It’s not “Will you marry me?” And it’s not “Does this dress make me look fat?” The greatest question you will ever answer is one from the lips of Jesus himself: “Who do you say that I am?”
Jesus and the Twelve continue to move from town to town as Jesus proclaims the good news of the kingdom, but that traveling entourage might not look the way you think. There are women with them – possibly more women than men, and they have very important roles.
As the people of Galilee continue to come into contact with Jesus, they know something is different, but they can't all put their fingers on it. Is he a prophet? The Messiah? One woman who was a known sinner made a bold move, putting her faith in action.
Jesus follows up the Sermon on the Mount with two encounters with people that were very much different and yet very much alike. The end result? Jesus breaks social and religious boundaries in order to show mercy, and prove that he has the power to overcome death.