As Paul rolls into Corinth, we get a bit of a window into him being a little more human than we may have thought about him. He admits in 1 Corinthians that he came into town with weakness, fear, and much trembling. Yet, God meets him in that fear and offers him incredible comfort.
According to a survey compiled by Pew Research Center just 3 months ago, only 50% of Americans say they are extremely or very satisfied with their jobs. And what I want to look at this morning, is how the good news of Jesus tells us to think about work, and how the good news of Jesus is the only motivation we need to get out of bed in the morning and hit the grindstone again – even if your job feels uninspiring.
Jesus continues the discussion of "where your heart is, there your treasure will be," by warning his disciples against getting lazy while they wait for the master's return.
Inviting his son to look carefully at the ant, the father in Proverbs points out several life lessons that promote wisdom in making the most of every opportunity.