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Topic: repentance

On Trial

November 5, 2023
Peter, John and the healed man end up spending a night in jail and then being put on trial before the Sanhedrin. But it’s not only in the miraculous where the Holy Spirit is evident. Peter stands up to speak, and he is filled with the Holy Spirit to boldly confront these religious leaders with their sin. What will their response be?
Is there a right way to be a parent? Is there a way of raising children that is in fact "God's way"? Or is it up to us to figure out the best way on our own? In this message, Pastor Steve Hall leads us through how Jesus' life, death and resurrection informs the way we think about parenting and grand-parenting.
Jesus is the king who has come to establish his kingdom, but it comes not through political or military conquest – it comes by setting people free from things that held them captive. Sometimes that means demons are cast out. Other times it means idols of the heart are cast out.
God’s breaking into the world leaves us exposed, giving us the option to either respond in humility forsaking  our allegiances for a new commitment or hardening our heart in standing our ground and face judgment.

Two Houses

July 11, 2021
When you move from one house to the next, you have to put the old one in the rear view mirror. You can’t go back and help yourself to what’s in the fridge. Believer’s baptism is a public expression of leaving the old self behind, and walking in the newness of life.

Danger Ahead!

June 20, 2021
If you want to be on the right side of history, or want to be remembered for some accomplishment, the best way to get there is through humble reverence and awe of the God who calls you to repentance.