Vision Sunday Fall 2024 – What is the mission statement of the Church? What even IS the Church? River City belongs to a long line of people who gathered in local churches around the world, united by the Spirit of Jesus.
In our humanity and our near-sightedness, we tend to forget that God has been at work for decades and centuries before we ever arrived on the scene, and that what we are participating in today is just another chapter in His story of redemption.
When Jesus asks us to follow him, he’s not inviting us to add him onto our lives, as if he’s asking us to add coaching little league to our lives. It’s an all or nothing kind of ask.
What is the purpose of church? Is it that we have spotless theology? Is it that love our neighbors no matter what we believe? Or is it both?
Listen to Pastor Rodney walk us through the vision for River City Church, as well as interview the Leadership Team on some things we're excited about, both presently and as we look ahead.