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Topic: Jesus


December 26, 2021
The angels announced that Jesus’ birth meant “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth…” But if the word “peace” simply means “the absence of conflict” or “freedom from disturbances”, then the angels were full of garbage or Jesus did a terrible job and failed miserably at what he came to do.
In Luke 2:10, the angels show up to announce Jesus’ birth to the shepherds, and they say, “behold I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all people.” And then these angels announced Jesus’ birth with three titles. Three titles that tell us who Jesus is and what he came to do. I would bet most of you have heard the story of Jesus’ birth, but the titles given by the angels give us a really good look at who Jesus is and what he came to accomplish.


December 12, 2021
Fear moves units off shelves. Fear sells products, runs governments, etc. But we’re commanded to be joyful and rejoice, even in the face of intense hardship. How does that work???


December 5, 2021
We use the word “hope” in situations of wishful thinking. “I hope it snows for Christmas.” But biblical hope isn’t based on something unpredictable, like weather. It’s based on something as predictable as the morning.
Jesus is the king who has come to establish his kingdom, but it comes not through political or military conquest – it comes by setting people free from things that held them captive. Sometimes that means demons are cast out. Other times it means idols of the heart are cast out.
Jesus is about 30 years old, and ready to begin his ministry. The question is: Does he really know what he is here to do? Has he understood what his mission will be? The phrase "time will tell" isn't going to be helpful. Like a good teacher tests her pupils to learn what they know, Jesus gets a test to see what he knows about the mission.
Empowered by the Spirit, Jesus is full of the Spirit, and inspired by the Spirit. His primary role on earth is to serve the plan of the Father, and it is this special relationship and its implications that lie at the root of Jesus’ identity.
God’s breaking into the world leaves us exposed, giving us the option to either respond in humility forsaking  our allegiances for a new commitment or hardening our heart in standing our ground and face judgment.