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Topic: God’s character

In the middle of another election cycle here in the US of A, we are drawn to the candidates, looking for someone who is going to give us a quick fix to the complex issues of the nation. Isaiah speaks of a moment in history 2800 years ago, and only the names have changed.
The church in Acts continues to grow, is marked by generosity and is experiencing the grace and favor of God at every turn. But when a certain husband and wife try to play games and get in on the favor, God acts in a unique and decisive way to make sure everyone knows – God will not be mocked.
On October 7, a terrorist group in the Gaza Strip moved into Israel and killed hundreds of civilians and soldiers, and kidnapped 200+ more. Israel almost immediately declared war on Hamas. But that has stirred movements from Turkey, Russia, Iran, Syria and more. This sermon is meant to give us a lens through which to view this war and why it matters that we pay attention to it.
Resurrection Sunday, 2023 – Every one of us has a dominant story that shapes the way we view the world, ourselves, and God. For some it's a story of pain, loss, rejection. For others it's a story of hard work, effort put in, and reward or accomplishment. But all of those stories are but smaller stories inside the Greatest Story...the Story of God as spoken in the Bible.

Psalm 102

December 18, 2022
God promises us a way out of temptation, but makes no such promise when it comes to suffering. But he doesn’t run from us or watch us suffer from a distance - he enters into our suffering, even giving us the words to say when we can’t work up the prayer on our own
"What is wrong with people?" That is a question all of us have to answer, because every day we see or hear news of war, violence, abuse, racism, hatred, and feel the effects of anger, envy, pride, lust, etc. The Bible doesn't run from this topic, it hits it head on.
What does it mean to say that God is “holy”? What do we mean when we talk about his holiness? Can grace and holiness exist side-by-side, or does one eliminate the other? This look into Isaiah 6 helps us answer some of those questions.