Paul was nearly beaten to death by the Jerusalem mob, and as he is being taken away for questioning by the Roman soldiers, he asks if he might speak to the crowd who hates him. They oblige, and Paul gives his testimony to the crowd, recalling what Jesus did for him on the road to Damascus.
As Paul and Barnabas travel to Antioch, they are invited to speak at a synagogue. Paul launches into his first recorded sermon, and proclaims that God’s promises to Abraham and David are fulfilled in Jesus Christ! The blessing to Abraham in Genesis 12 pointed to Jesus, forgiving our sins and justifying us through his death & resurrection.
Born guilty of Adam’s sin, we stand guilty before the highest court there is. But shockingly, Jesus steps in. Our guilt is applied to him, and his righteousness is applied to us! How can it be!?
Genesis 1 and 2 aren't as much about the "when" and "how" the universe came to be, as much as they are about the "Who" and the "why" it came to be.
Now that you have this marvelous gift of grace, the good news of Jesus, how do you live as a newborn child of God?
A baby contributes nothing to their own birth, and is fully dependent on his/her parents to guard them and provide for them as they grow toward maturity. In 1 Peter, the apostle writes that our spiritual birth looks very similar. In this message, we look at how Peter makes those connections.
If you've ever been to a foreign country, or been picked last for a game, or been left out of a text chat, you know what it's like to feel like you don't belong. As Christians, we are called to participate with Jesus in a world that is not our home. This message kicks off our series on 1 Peter.