Fear moves units off shelves. Fear sells products, runs governments, etc. But we’re commanded to be joyful and rejoice, even in the face of intense hardship. How does that work???
There are two ways to grieve the sorrows of this life: With hope, or without it.
What is God's will for my life? What does he want from me? We wonder about who to marry, where to go to college, what to do after school, should we move after retirement, etc, and sometimes feel almost paralyzed not knowing exactly what God's will is for our lives. In this message, we'll find out that his will for us is both more difficult than choosing a college, and at the same time much simpler.
If you sat down with Jesus, and he asked how he can pray for you, what would you say? As it turns out, Jesus did pray for you in John 17. Join us as we look at what he prayed for us.