A riot breaks out in Ephesus, because so many people are being converted to follow Jesus that it is affecting sales at the local shrine shop. Paul heads for Jerusalem and ends up in city called Troas, where a sleepy young man falls from a third story window and dies.
The focus now shifts from Peter and James to Barnabas and Saul, with Saul/Paul being the main character from here on out. The gospel continues to spread, made up of these key items – Worship, Obedient Faith, Community, Discipleship, and Readiness for Spiritual Warfare.
Peter’s message presents the gospel, and God opens the eyes of 3000 people to repent of their sin and turn to Jesus. Now, those 3000 are looking to live out this new identity in Christ as this gospel begins to bear fruit in their lives.
We might think of love as a warm fuzzy feeling we get when we're with another person, or simply as the enjoyment we get from something we like. But God's love goes far deeper than that.
What is the purpose of church? Is it that we have spotless theology? Is it that love our neighbors no matter what we believe? Or is it both?