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Series: Story of God (2024)

Everything from Genesis to Revelation is working toward the New Creation. God generates in Creation, Humans degenerate through sin, and God regenerates by his Son and the Spirit. The Story of God reaches it's "conclusion" when Christ returns, and the New Creation is launched!


December 15, 2024
Sin brings all kinds of death. Death physically, relationally, spiritually. Sickness, disease, war, affliction, and trouble are now part of human existence. Sin corrupts us all the way down – mind, will, emotions, desires, leaving us completely depraved and unable to please God. By the time you get to the end of Genesis 6, one of Adam and Eve’s sons has killed the other; people are bragging about sex and murder, until, “When the Lord saw that ... every inclination of the human mind was nothing but evil all the time, the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and he was deeply grieved.”
Genesis 1 and 2 set the scene for all of what we know as "the universe." But there in the very first sentence, the main character is introduced simply as "God." Who or what is God? What can we learn about him, just in the first few chapters of the Bible? And why does it matter?