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Child Dedications



At River City, we love to celebrate good things! Psalm 127:3, says that children are a gift from the Lord, that they are a reward from him. If God thinks children are good gifts, then we think they are worth celebrating. In child dedication, we are committing before God and one another that we will love our children as gifts from God himself, and that with his help, we will steward them for God’s glory and their good.

For that reason, you are welcome to dedicate any child at any age.

Our next scheduled Dedication Ceremony will be held on May 15 2022. If you are interested in dedicating your child(ren), please click the link below.

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Why Do We Dedicate Children?

Child Dedication ceremonies are bi-annual opportunities for parents to commit before the Lord and the church that they will train their child(ren) in the ways of the Lord. While we call it “child dedication” it really looks more like “parent commitment.” Parenting a child is a holy calling that is not intended to be passive. There is intentionality and grace, wisdom and prayer that are all part of training up a child in the ways of the Lord.

Read More Article: Train Up A Child

Does River City Baptize Infants?

No. Baptism saves in the sense that it is the outward expression of an inward appeal to God, not as a mere water ritual. It saves the same way the confession of the lips saves in Romans 10:9, insofar as the confession of the lips is an expression of the faith of the heart. We see that every case of baptism in scripture has repentance and belief attached to it, and in no case is anyone saved through the ritual of baptism apart from personal faith.

Read More Article: Infant Baptism & The New Covenant