Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a prime candidate for fear, anxiety, and worry. But she was also a prime candidate for faith. You probably are too.
Is the gospel like a billboard – inviting, but powerless? Is God like a cosmic business owner, biting his nails hoping we will "stop in" for some of his "goods"? Proverbs 16 shows us the wisdom of understanding God's sovereignty in the world.
With the enemy (Haman) out of the picture, the problem remains that death for the Jews is still on the horizon. The mediator must go to work again.
Justice is when someone gets what they deserve. Poetic justice is when someone plans harm on someone else, and it ends up coming back on themselves instead. The story of Esther is about to take a major turn...
Sometimes it appears that evil gets to have a field day, while those who are trying to do what's right get trampled. Is it worth the effort to be a Christian?
The God of heaven and earth not only invites us to pray, he almost begs us to. Why would he do that if our prayers didn’t matter?
62 percent of Americans admit they are more anxious right now than they were a year ago. So where do we go for hope?
Enigo Mentoya in “The Princess Bride” said, “there’s not a lot of money in revenge.” Yet Hollywood would disagree. We love a good revenge story! Yet if we follow the example of Jesus, he shows us a different way to handle injustice.
When a stone mason begins building, he or she starts with one stone from which all the other stones are laid. As God is building believers into a spiritual house, there is one stone from which all the others derive purpose and significance.